Tiny home: a living structure that can range anywhere from 60 to 500 square feet and is typically in the 120 to 200 square foot range. Tiny homes are usually built on flatbed trailers, which makes them both easily mobile and qualifies them as "temporary structures", allowing for compliance with zoning laws and building codes.
Tiny home living is a growing movement embraced by people wishing to make a smaller environmental impact, for financial reasons, and because they generally just want to simplify their lives. Christopher Smith aspired to such a lifestyle, so shortly before his 30th birthday, he purchased a five acre plot of land in Colorado and subsequently set about building his own tiny home, with the assistance of his girlfriend, Merete Mueller. The pair decided to document their experience for a short film, but further explorations into the tiny home movement saw the project, aided by a successful Kickstarter campaign, expand to TINY: A Story About Living Small's now 62 minute running time.
The co-directors, neither of whom had any building experience, soon come to find that even extra small-scale house construction is more challenging and time-consuming than they expected. Most of the construction work is actually done by Smith, who frequently relies on instructional YouTube videos to guide him and doesn't come close to completing the project in the four month period originally estimated. Very few of the construction-related obstacles encountered are shown, to the film's slight detriment (Smith admitted in the post-screening Q & A that they were mostly edited out). There's a lot of people out there who, like me, possess less-than-stellar handyman skills and showing more of those kinds of trials and tribulations would have made Smith's building experience a little more relatable, as well as added an extra bit of small intrigue to the proceedings. Even still, by the time the project is completed, the tremendous sense of accomplishment felt by the amiable twosome of Smith and Mueller makes for a satisfying payoff for the viewer as well. An interesting side story also develops as the home takes shape involving the couple's questionable future together, due to Mueller's desire to pursue her writing career in New York City.
Interspersed with the scenes showing the couple's building project are interviews with other tiny home dwellers and tours (very short tours, naturally) of their diminutive abodes. There are repeated testimonials about how much happier they all are with their downsized manner of living and the freedom it allows them, financially and in other ways (such as maintaining a clutter-free existence that relies just on essentials). A couple of different tiny home residents talk about working for years at white collar jobs that took up most of their lives and left them unfulfilled, leading them to reexamine their priorities and make the big change to living small.
Smith and Mueller's delightful documentary provides an insightful look into the fascinating tiny home movement, with thought-provoking discussions on the meaning of "home" and how that concept fits into the context of the ever-changing American Dream.
Rating: A-